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  • Our divine orientation - a life of purpose and meaning

    If you've been exploring your inner landscape for a time, you've most certainly begun to receive divine guidance in the form of heartfelt knowing, signs, and synchronicity. It's a magical feeling of being held in an inquiry that is supported and nurtured, actualizing who we truly are! I like to think of this in terms of energy and frequency. Maybe it's the scientist in me who seeks to ground and articulate higher knowledge so that the mind may grasp wisdom. When we begin to purify our bodies, emotions, and minds via self-inquiry, we break free from the baggage we carry unknowingly, and our vibration begins to rise. This can be likened to a radio that begins to tune into various frequencies. We begin to get our information from other sources than before. By then, we may have begun to trust our ability to discern whether information is true for us by looking for resonance in what get externally. We will also sense a significant rise in our energy levels, which are no longer obstructed within as a result of the many baggages we have released. We may begin to create in new ways, and our entire lives may shift as a result. Our orientation would also have changed drastically at this point which is no longer invested in manifesting the things we think we want but it becomes more of a journey of learning and evolutionary growth. Great peace comes with this shift in inner orientation. We can't lose in this game because we will come to realize, that life is not about achieving any particular goal or reaching a destination but it's more about the constant unraveling of the old self and the emergence and embodiment of the new. We start to see how every situation especially the challenging ones is only helping us learn about ourselves and gain greater freedom. Life shifts from one of constant doing to one of being. The creative action is sparked no longer from the programmed mind which thinks it ought to complete certain things but it comes from the higher mind sparked by the divine inspiration. At times the magic of divine connection may close down as we travel into inner density. This is an essential part of the journey and not something to be feared. Because only through such confrontation we grow as a being. If we are mindful we may notice this closing down as tightness and pain in the body and mind. They usually point to some unconsciousness we are carrying within. If we are courageous enough to sit with the pain without trying to heal or fix the situation we are in, a valuable opportunity is presented to us. In time the inner blockage would resolve itself resulting in greater peace and harmony. We would have learned something crucial about ourselves at this point and embodied further qualities of being. It may be a renewed energy of peace and stillness or creativity, willpower, etc. They are the driving force for change and transformation. Now more than ever each one of us is needed and invited to take this journey. Our planet is going through a massive transformation. This is happening when the sun's magnetic shield is lowered due to an upcoming solar minimum, while the earth's magnetic shield diminishes due to an ongoing pole shift. What this means is that more cosmic energy from the galactic core can reach the Earth. We can gain massively from this influx of energy. Our lives can be transformed and uplifted by it. But it's down to each one of us to choose our orientation. What would be yours? Much love Vimal 💚🙏 Are you on the journey of awakening and transformation? Check out the services I offer designed to meet and assist this process in others. Soul facilitation Subscribe to the newsletter to be updated via email with the latest articles, events, videos, and music.

  • Something huge is coming - The grand galactic convergence

    The video I'm about to offer shows the world's top billionaires building underground bunkers. The news anchor goes on to ask, what are they afraid of? What do they know that we do not know? Are they developing it to avoid a worldwide catastrophe? First Post news - Billionaires are Building Bunkers. Do They Know Something We Don't? | Vantage with Palki Sharma It's high time we wake up from the illusionary reality we've been fooled into. Yes, a worldwide catastrophe is imminent. And no bunkers would be deep enough, and no spacecraft could fly you far enough. What is coming is a Grand galactic convergence. Before I even begin to speak about it, I can hear people's opposition. Some may claim I'm trying to instill terror. But fear cannot be spread. If my words trigger fear, then that's a gateway of opportunity for you to step through. And some may even say, "Let the global catastrophe happen; I don't care because we're all going to die together." This would be another avoidance tactic for the small identity self, which still considers itself to be disconnected from the cosmos itself. However, if we are actually courageous enough to go past the avoidance mechanics into our fear, we will have the greatest potential to step through our small self identity into the truth of who we truly are, which is the cosmic self interwoven with the flow of the universe. We are indeed intrinsically related to the galactic center, the sun, and the planet. Many waking folks have seen the sign 11:11 from time to time. For me, it represents our soul's connection to the galactic center, the sun, and the earth's soul. When we truly follow our soul and make aligned decisions, we become part of a larger movement rather than a distinct bubble. This is the most incredible freedom we could ever imagine. Also, if you think "I'm spiritual, I meditate regularly, and I feel good about myself" - not so sorry to break your bubble. That is, certainly, another avoidance bubble. We can't keep on living today the same as yesterday. When we completely step out of the ego, we begin to observe and feel other malevolent energies attempting to deceive and drag us off course from our aligned destiny. This energy of what I'm speaking about has created intentional love and light bubble to dupe people into it - a sophisticated deception. I would say a major portion of the spiritual mainstream is alluding to this. Those who are alluding to it may think they are walking an aligned path, but plugging into a deceptive energy in the 4D and not to their soul. There is a way out of this if we are truly honest with ourselves. Right now cosmic energies are teaming up around the earth to help us awaken from this mass delusion and step into our soul. The universe has created the perfect circumstances for us to awaken. This journey is not a build-up process but its actually a progressive destructive process - shattering all the illusion we allude into it. We are not physical. We are not human. We are spiritual beings incarnated into a human vehicle. And the opportunity is for us to step into the truth of who we really are. Are you going to be the one who will be listening to this invitation ? If you are I extend my arm to you. Here are the spiritual services I offer. Vimal💚 🙏 Soul facilitation True self emergence (Online event) Subscribe to the newsletter to keep updated about the latest news , videos, articles.

  • Plug in to the real intelligence - your divine self

    Increasingly it is becoming clear that there is a parting of waves happening in society. A large swathe of people are going down the technological route. Only a few days before Elon Musk and his company announced the implant of the first chip in the human brain. Supposedly you can control this chip with your thoughts and hence control all devices including your smartphone, computer, and so on and this is said to make humans more advanced and sophisticated. Eventually what they want to achieve is plug in masses of people into a centralized AI brain and hence feed you with information. Check out the news here: Nueralink chip in human brain But where is this information coming from and who is controlling it? What is their agenda? How can you trust them? And what about the sovereignty and free-flowing spontaneity of your unique soul? Any awakening person would tell you, that the corporations, big pharma, and the media don't have the interest of the people at hand if they did why is there so much disparity between the riches and the poor? Day by day the division between the people who have and haven't is getting more. Reports suggest that in the period of COVID alone, a billionaire a day was created. At the same time, millions lost their jobs and business. Put it all together, there can be enough skepticism that, one can't hand over their sovereignty to any superpower or authority no matter how advanced or knowledgeable they seem to be. So this begs the question - who can we trust? There can only be one conclusion - our self, that which holds all the answers, and our highest interest at heart. So maybe there's some truth in the agenda of plugging us into a centralized artificial intelligence? Notice the word artificial. Can there be a way to naturally plug us into an intelligence, not artificial, and that is not controlled by an entity outside of ourselves? There certainly is! When we do the inner work of mediation and inner inquiry, we naturally start to peel off any unwanted intruders from our field and start to connect to our natural vibration and authentic expression. This is the antidote to any control mechanism. We start to trust in this inner compass we have within. Check the article that explains the purification process of the lower vehicles - the body, emotions, and mind - Secret to a still mind- Raising our vibration When we increasingly purify the body, mind, and emotions we start to become a vehicle of higher self flowing through our being. Our hearts and minds start to open, no longer constricted by rigidity but flexible and open to receive higher intuitive guidance. They naturally take us on an inner and outer journey exploding more illusions and embodying divine love. What could possibly replace this? I would say no manner of sophisticated technology or artificial intelligence can replace this divinity. The road is not easy but pretty straightforward. It's not easy because it causes us to confront all the illusions we are deluding ourselves with. Each illusion peeled off causes us to deepen into our inner essence and begin to live a life of authenticity and magic. Don't be put down by the naysayers who say this cannot be done. All they are doing is projecting their fear at you. But they don't know what you know at this point - your fear is the doorway to higher states of consciousness. You are ready to embrace it and step through the fear into the free flow of your soul. And the more you embrace the fear, the less those who try to control or subjugate you have an influence on you, and the more you trust in your inner innate self. We start to develop trust and confidence. This trust is the backbone to surrender more into the divine flow. Does the river need control or strategies for how it flows into the ocean? It doesn't need to. It will naturally flow into the ocean because that's its destiny. So do we! All we need to do at this point is to get out of our own way! Right now cosmic energies are gathering in the universe to support the journey of awakening. We are moving through a transitionary period where millions are awakening from a deep slumber. Our planet and solar system are going through a once-in-a-lifetime shift of consciousness. We have the grandest opportunity to ride this flow of universal love. Where is our attention at any given moment and on any given day? Is it on the negativity and distraction projected at us by the media or are we taking the time to pause and listen to the inner voice? The former is easy because it spoon-feds you with information. But if you have reached the point where you realize this doesn't serve me anymore I trust you have reached this point, otherwise you wouldn't be drawn to this text. Then it's time to look deep within. This is not easy at least in the beginning because there is all kinds of inner resistance to transcend. The mind says - "I'm wasting my time, I have X, Y, and Z to complete" But the more you do it, the easier it becomes - it becomes the natural way of being. If you can't meditate for an hour, start with 5 min each day of sitting in the stillness and slowly increase the time. You will reach a point where you start to love it. Then it becomes natural like drinking water - you would meditate because you are thirsty for it! I like to share an experience I had yesterday. I had been painting my living room all day as I waws preparing a space for group energy work and meditation. I had coffee in the evening and sat in this lovely area near my house, watching the sunset. This dog approached and sat on my lap. It was such a lovely feeling - love and gratitude for the simplest of things. I'm sure you have had such priceless moments. What could possibly replace such sublime moments? I would like to leave you with this video I made some while back - Being yourself the greatest gift you can offer to the world . Do you resonate with this sharing? Are you ready to take your journey of self discovery to the next level. Its my passion to assist others on their journey. Check out the services I offer here. Soul facilitation Join the monthly newsletter to be updated about the latest news, articles, videos and events.

  • Secret to a still mind - Raising one's vibration

    One of the most common concerns raised in spiritual inquiry and meditation is mental chatter. People convey difficulty in meditation owing to their minds, therefore the issue becomes, how can I still or quiet the mind? In this case, I'd like to revisit the fundamentals of spiritual inquiry and offer some of the insights. First and foremost, there is no need to quiet or calm your mind. If there is an attempt to do so, it is solely from the ego. Because the mind is a great tool, the only problem in this case this the tool is using us and not vice versa. Look around your room. What are you seeing? Walls, furniture, computer, etc. We all know that they are merely objects in the landscape of our awareness. Can you see thoughts in the same manner - as objects in our consciousness? One of my favorite authors says to consider thoughts as simple bird sounds - One bird may remark, "Hey, you are wonderful and you achieved so and so forth," while the other bird may say, "Hey, you messed up once more; you could have done better." It may sound convincing in many circumstances. But they're just birds commenting on your experience. Can you see your thoughts in the same way? ~Settling the mud~ Alan Watts had articulated himself rather eloquently. If you have a glass of murky water and want to settle the muck, you won't swirl the water to settle it, but will instead set the glass aside. When we do this, the mud settles to the bottom over time, and the water becomes increasingly clear. Alternatively, you could visualize the mind as clouds flowing through the sky of your consciousness. However, you are not the clouds in the background, but rather the still sky. When we approach meditation in this manner, something significant occurs: at some point, you get disassociated from the mind and settle further into the observer. The thoughts are a symptom, not the problem. This is mostly because our mind is focused on denser vibrations, which drown out lighter vibrations. Imagine you are watching an orchestra perform. However, the artist playing the bass drum is playing it so loudly that you can barely hear the sounds of the other instruments. The subtle tones of the flute and violin are drowned out. After a while, this becomes normal, and one may find it difficult to accept that other subtle sounds exist. ~Let's science it up a little bit~! According to quantum physics, the Universe consists of 11 dimensions. We can tune into each of these dimensions. However, humanity's awareness is currently tuned into the lowest three dimensions: physical (1st dimension), emotional (2nd dimension), and mental (3rd dimension). You can compare us to a radio tuned to these three stations. When we engage in spiritual work and begin to dig deeply into the essence of reality, we gradually begin to unwind the various ties that bind us to these layers. For example, fear of survival, poverty consciousness, illness, and so on would cause us to identify with physicality. Dependence in relationships and other negative emotions would bind us on the emotional plane. The conditioning and mental programming we got from our parents, teachers, and society as a whole would tie us to the mental level. However, through the inner process of mediation and self-inquiry, we would peel off these many identities to these distinct layers. At this point, one experiences awakening and thereby experiences the fourth dimension or causal body. This means that the kundalini energy has started to rise from the base and activate the heart. Thus our consciousness and orientation in life shift from purely logic-oriented to following the heart. We may feel compassion for others while experiencing unconditional love. But the journey does not end there; it is just the beginning! To be clear, I'm not stating to switch off the mind. But when the heart opens it takes precedence in our lives and the mind begins to be an effective tool working in harmony with the heart. ~Raising one's vibration~ At this point, our focus may shift from shaping or controlling reality to manifesting egoic desires to experiencing deep joy and unconditional love. These are subtle vibrations as opposed to the dense vibrations of the mind and emotions, so raising our vibration is essential for tuning in to these subtle and higher frequencies. We are preparing our vehicle - body, and mind, for the lighter vibrations. So here are some tips to help you raise your vibration. 1. Meditate - Daily meditation allows us to disengage from mental games and identification with the story of our lives and instead settle into the observer and experience deep inner peace. 2. Purifying diet - If we eat more dense foods, such as meat and dairy, our consciousness is likely to become focused on these frequencies. However, if we adopt a more pranic diet and fasting practices, such as intermittent fasting, we can detoxify our bodies and be attuned to lighter vibration. 3. Practice setting boundaries - If we are consumed within toxic relationships or relationship dynamics that generate a lot of negative emotions then it can inadvertently hurt our health and peace. So it's critical to establish healthy boundaries within relationships. 4. Declutter the mind - How often do we become engrossed in media, social networks, and other distractions, only to find ourselves scrolling? Being mindful of these behaviors can also help us set boundaries within them. Let's face it: we have a relationship with our phones. Many times, it appears that this relationship serves us by giving us a dopamine shot. However, you know when this relationship turns toxic. 5. Spend time in nature--this is my favorite. When I connect with Mother Nature, she helps me ground myself, calm my thoughts, and tune into lighter frequencies. She can help you develop self-love! Have you tried cold plunging? It is one of my favorite practices. It can effectively remove negativity and raise one's vibration. Check out cold plunging here. ~Cold plunging~ Returning to the original topic of releasing the thought loops. When we raise our vibration, we begin to tune into the higher vibrations of the soul. It can be perceived as divine love, interconnectedness, joy, focus, passion, and so on. The more we focus our consciousness on these lighter vibrations, the less influence the mind has on us. We begin to feel the pure joy of being and living! What better way to live your life? It is my passion to help others on a similar journey of discovering the joy of being and interconnectedness. Learn more about it here: Soul Facilitation Join the community, and stay updated on new events, articles, videos, music, and more.

  • To the land of Orginal humans

    Last year, my partner and I went on a 2-day trekking trip to Kareri Lake near Dharamsala. It was made clear to us with plentiful synchronicities that we were feeling the original human in us through the experience. On the final spot where we camped near the lake, we found this incredible rock shaped like the skull of an early human. In the video, I talk about our experiences embodying this energy. There is some beautiful footage of the mountains and the forest around them. I hope it inspires your journey. How can we embody the original human DNA once again? WE have been duped into believing in a system which is cut off from the natural rhythm of life. But I say its possible to connect back to our roots. This happens by the inner journey where we peel off the layers of attachment to the physicality. Its my passion to support others on a similar journey. You can know more about the spiritual services I offer below! Spiritual services - Soul facilitation Join the community . Stay updates on the new videos , articles and music.

  • Knowing our inner father

    Who is our inner father? We all know of a father outside—our biological father—or we even call the sun our celestial father. But is there a father inside? I'm talking about an energy here. It's an energy that we can all embody that greatly benefits our journey. I will begin by sharing an experience I had recently I sometimes fast for a day and begin the next day with coffee. It can make one incredibly high and expansive. That's what I did, and I went to the nearby nature spot to bask in the morning sun and listen to some songs on my phone. But just when the first song started playing, I noticed that my phone was nearly dead, and sure enough, before the song could hit 20 seconds, my phone died. But I happened to catch the name of the song, which was synchronistically named The Love of the Father by Kevin Wood. The first inner feeling I noticed was a subtle victimhood. It went something like this: I fasted for the entire day yesterday, and all I wanted to do was listen to some songs and begin my day. Why would you do this to me? I'm sure you can all recognize the subtle projections we carry. But then I also noticed the perfection of the experience and what I was being invited to self-realize through it. I was projecting the divine, or father, as an outside entity and expecting some level of support from it, as synchronically pointed out by the name of the song. And then it hit me—most of the distortions that I carry can be traced back to this phenomenon. How often do we feel that we are left alone in this confusing place without any kind of support, left to fend for ourselves? But this experience was inviting me to realize: "Look, you are the father, the divine, and the ONE. You create all the experiences you have. Why? So that we can self-realize through it. So we can know who we are through it all. This is a key characteristic of the father energy I'm talking about: it's ready to take ownership of its experience and not project or blame it outside. When we take ownership in this way, it can be incredibly healing and empowering. Think about our relationships—how often do we project or blame the other person when something goes wrong? If we catch ourselves engaging in these behaviors, we can begin to transform them. A good question that I have found helpful in such situations is to ask, Why did I manifest this? And if you are not sure, ask the universe, "Show me." It usually illuminates an unconscious spot we have within, through which we can learn and evolve. We can always win through such situations because, even when situations go the way we don't want, we see the perfection, the magic, and the value of experience. Through it, we are gaining something! But the moment we blame something outside as the causality of our experience, we disempower ourselves. We do it all the time, sometimes in the most subtle ways, because projecting it outside can temporarily ease the baggage we carry. But it never truly fulfills the true value of experience. If we assume for a minute that the grand purpose of the universe and our existence is continual evolution and thereby aligned expression, we can conclude that this game of self-realization is all that's happening on any given day and every moment. We just miss this grand game because of all the goals and aspirations of the small identity self. But to truly come in alignment with the universe, is to see the opportunity in every experience. What are the other traits of the inner father? The father energy is trusting The father energy is trusting in itself and the natural workings of the universe. I'm not talking about blindly trusting that everything will work out fine, although everything seems to click in when we come into alignment with the natural flow. But the ego can have its agendas, fears, and desires. It expects things to go a certain way, and when they don't, we may easily lose trust. But the trust I'm talking about is trust in the natural order of things by giving ourselves permission to flow with the universe and not against it. It doesn't create the situation we want, but it most definitely creates the situation we need to experience—to help us embody the next grandest version of ourselves. The father energy is vulnerable When we trust enough that the universe is not working against us but for us, then we furnish enough courage and strength to just let go of control and drop into the flow. It's that moment when we make ourselves vulnerable by accepting all the outcomes the flow harnesses for us. From my personal experience, even though the flow had harnessed some pretty challenging experiences, it was never something that I couldn't cope with, and I learned quite a lot about myself through it. Think about this: a lot of energy is spent in controlling, protecting, and making the situations go our way. When we relinquish control, all that energy is made available to us, which gets naturally directed towards aligned action and creativity. This would create ever more harmonious situations for us. The father energy is a natural leader The inner father is resolute and ready to stand in its truth regardless of all the projections it receives. When one is trusting and sees the natural order of the universe clicking in around themselves, then there's every motivation to stand in this truth and express that. I would like to share this experience I had many moons ago I was studying control system engineering at a college in South India. Yes, I know—sometimes the universe gives a tight slap on our cheek and asks us to look at our reflections. In this case, it said, You have built a life based on control, and now it's time to relinquish it. I knew I had to, as there was every motivation and inspiration to do so. But the leap to the unknown seemed so monumental. I know this action would have consequences and opposition from my family, friends, and even worse, my mind! After all, I had worked my ass to get to this place. But one day, as I was contemplating taking this leap, this song came to me by Eminem. And the lyrics went like this: "I'm not afraid To take a stand Come take my hand We'll walk this road together, through the storm" It felt like the whole universe came down at that point to support my action. Then it didn't matter what others said; I had the power of the universe to back up my actions. Any sense of self-doubt and fear vanished at that point, and I was filled with excitement and adventure for the step that I was about to take. What are the other characteristics of father energy that you have noticed? If this writing resonates and you would like to get in touch. It's my passion to assist others who are on a similar journey of self-realization. Check out: Soul Facilitation I would like to leave with you a song. Join the monthly newsletter and get a free download of light language meditation music.

  • When the path disappears

    What is your life path? Perhaps it's your career? Or it could be a spiritual one. For me, the path disappears as I realize that I can't control reality and thus step positively into the unknown. The path is defined by a goal or an outcome we think we must attain—perfection, for example. But at some point on the journey, I realized that there was no such final destination. And instead of the path, there is an unfolding—into ever finer layers of myself. As each subconscious fear gets peeled away, we embody new gifts through which the path forges itself. No longer is there a path to follow, but we are creating it as we go! Every path, even and especially the spiritual path, can be a baggage that we carry that must be let go of at some point. It's a tremendous liberation! It allows us the freedom to make mistakes and thus discover that these mistakes are important elements on the path. And each gift we uncover within ourselves starts to positively shape our reality. I wanted to add an interesting synchronicity I noticed after writing this. I went for a walk afterward and felt a strong pull to take a different and unfamiliar route than my usual one. The first thing I noticed was a discarded packet of chips in which was written - No Rulz. Indeed we make up our own! And next some pictures of rabbits. I think it means vulnerability to the unknown. This path eventually led to the one I usually take! It confirmed what I had expressed - we never actually wander off from our path. It's a cosmic joke we play on ourselves! What are these gifts? It could be self-acceptance, surrender into the natural flow, joy, focus, resilience, etc. Every problem then becomes an opportunity to embody these gifts. It's no longer a problem to fix but an opportunity for self-actualization. These qualities are the answer to every problem we aim to fix and cure in our lives. So look at every situation and ask the question - what are the gifts that I'm invited to actualize through it? Remember the answer is not an intellectual one. It's an embodied realization. They get naturally integrated into our lives when we heal the blocking layers of trauma. Check out here: Virtual healing sessions Be a part of the community! Subscribe to the newsletter and receive free blog post updates, new videos, music, and meditation.

  • Soul initiation - periods of great challenge and growth

    On the journey of the soul, there will be certain times when we will pass through periods of initiation. These are times of great challenge and, at the same time, maximum opportunity. In such situations, the ego would ask the question - What should I do here? Or, in other words, how can I fix the situation that I'm in? On the other hand, the soul would ask, How can I BE in this situation? What new qualities of being are yearning to come through that will positively change the situation? These qualities of beingness will come through when we process any blockages, attachments, and fears that are being presented in the situation. What is soul orientation? I read this beautiful quote from Openhand - when the soul (flow) is confronted with two choices, whether to flow towards hell or heaven, the choice is made purely based on which offers the greatest learning opportunity. We create harmony in our lives to the extent that we feel harmonious inside. So all of these challenging situations, whether it is trouble in a relationship, family, lack of resources, etc., are providing crucial opportunities for the soul to break through into itself. These challenges come from karmic baggage that we have been carrying within ourselves anyway. The life situations are just reflecting this baggage. So why not go into it? If we dare to sit in the uncertainty and work into this tightness within ourselves, the soul will break through and find ways to flow in ANY situation. Why consciously accepting challenge and pain is a good thing? If we tell ourselves that life is easy and everything is supposed to happen our way, we are deluding ourselves. As all of us know, life can be challenging at times too. But if we consciously accept that life can be challenging and hard at times, we are also accepting ourselves in and through it. This is a great place where we can break through and evolve. The challenge and pain are only a problem when we are resistant to it. I've been taking daily dips in the frigid Himalayan water at the nearby river stream since a few days ago. Have you ever jumped into the cold before? When we first do it, our bodies and minds would be shocked, but the resulting regeneration is well worth the discomfort. It has been helping me improve my digestive system along with my mood and energy levels. But crucially, I also learned the importance of consciously getting into the pain that we face. You can read about it more here - Why cold plunge? So we don't have to wait for someone else to come and save us from the mess that we sometimes find ourselves in. We are seeded with the universal power inside to come into alignment. Stepping into the flow Crucially, it is to realize, that we are creating our life situations at every twist and corner. It's projected from the inside, like a hologram, to the outside world. If we come to realize this, it's like something shifts inside. No longer are we invested in changing the situation so that it better serves our ego. But the question becomes, Why did I create this? And how am I supposed to be in this specific situation? A few days ago, I found myself in a similar conundrum where the mind was trying to resolve the problem it was facing. It was giving me all kinds of visions and possibilities. But I asked the universe: "Show me". How am I supposed to be? I couldn't believe what I saw. Immediately ahead of me, I saw a message on a t-shirt: Hold your vision with a big stop-hand sign. What does that mean? It meant holding these visions of possibility in my mind without trying to jump to any conclusions. Let's face it. Uncertainty is hard for the ego mind, which is used to knowing its ways in the world and operating from that place. But on the journey of the soul, we will have to come to terms with the uncertainty, and if we can be comfortable in the uncertainty, something will emerge from that place because we are not resistant to it. Everything starts to flow. And this flow can manifest miracles and magic! But not in the way the mind expects it to happen. But we have thrown away the tired old expectations of the mind; we have surrendered to the divine flow and are ready to follow it no matter what. Then it's only a matter of stepping into this flow. I wish you all the best in your journey Vimal 🩷🙏 I offer assistance to those on a similar journey of awakening. If you do resonate check it out here - Virtual healing sessions Alternatively, check out the weekly healing circle. I would like to leave you with a song that I wrote and produced a while back. It's about breaking through into the freedom of the soul. Be a part of the community! Subscribe to the newsletter and receive free blog post updates, new videos, music, and meditation.

  • Why cold plunge?

    The last few days I have been cold plunging in Himalayan cold water. The stream that I go for a dip is just a few minutes of walk from where I live. Some may think this is a little brutal especially since this is winter and the weather is cold already especially in the mountains. But there are incredible benefits in cold water therapy. It improves blood circulation, immunity, digestion and metabolism. Personally my digestive system has been doing extremely well for the past few days. I incorporate dipping with Wim Hoff breathing. When the initial shock of dipping oneself in the cold water is over the body starts to acclimatize. When we equalise with the unpleasant sensation, the body and the mind starts to calm down releasing any anxiety and stress from our system. It feels amazing. For any of those star souls out there who find it difficult to ground themselves in the physical body, I would really recommend this. I usually bring my attention into the base chakra and breathe into it to bring consciousness down into the body. I usually do it in the afternoon when the sun is fully shining and my favorite part where I sunbathe afterwards on the nearest rock. Of course if you want to experience this, you don't need himalayan stream near you. Just bathing in cold showers in the morning is enough or if you have a jacuzzi you can fill it with ice water and experience the benefits.. . . . . . . . #wimhoff #wimhoffmethod #coldplunge #coldplungetherapy #grounding #starsouls #immunity #health

  • Transcending limiting beliefs

    Belief systems are not inherent in our being. It is the antithesis of free-flowing spontaneity of beingness. Yet it dictates much of the way we think and act in this world, and it is highly limiting. What are these belief systems? How are they formed? How do they limit us? and most importantly, How do we transcend them into beingness? In the below video, I discuss some of my realizations and experiences around this. Have a look and see what it inspires in you. Let me know in the comments If you do resonate, check out the virtual healing sessions I offer.

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